In this installment of 3D Politics,
In this installment of 3D Politics Live..
1. Primary Election
- a. More impacting on Oklahoma than the general election. Half are already in next year's 58th legislature:
24 get elected tomorrow, 46 got elected at the April Filing
- b. SQ802, Make govt healthcare a constitutional right in Oklahoma, and prevent the legislature from fixing it when it crashes. But Oklahoma already has a healthcare plan for those who don't make enough to get free Obama Care. or actual health care
- c. Polling places get weird. Not only are we unsocially distancing, but many polling locations are shut down & moved. Plus, many poll workers are brand new.
2. BOK Mgmt caught sabotaging Trump Rally. Tom was right, last week. the evidence is now in, but will Bynum actually be outraged?
3. Freedom Index 2020 'Champions & Betrayers' in the OK House:
4. The TPD becomes the 'Sheriff of Nottingham' and uses force to seize cars with delinquent taxes, on the spot. With no due process, a driver took things in his own hands when cops assaulted him with a taser, to cajole him from his own vehicle.
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