
Sunday, March 10, 2019

More Liquor Casualties

Oklahoma courts recently adjudicated some cases which ought to embarrass our people. Those who challenged us to step up to their standards of conduct, seem to have been trying to hide their worst moments regarding their weakest attributes. At a time when other lawmakers loosened up liquor laws, these and other state & local leaders reveal that liquor has severe dangers when placed into the wrong hands. Russell Hunter is known for lecturing pro life legislators and even churches. He's been a campaign advisor to gubernatorial candidate Dan Fisher and lately he's been collaborating with senator Joseph Silk. It's recently been revealed that he is facing a year of probation, community service hours, DUI school, and over $1000 in fines & fees for his late summer drunk driving. Sooner Tea Party reports the details of that case. Bryce Marlatt had a successful run as the state senator for 9 NW Oklahoma counties. He had a 'frat boy' habit of partying in Oklahoma City (hours away from the constituents of Cimarron County). No, he wasn't driving drunk, but he made aggressive sexual advances to the female Uber driver who was taking him from club to club, in the summer of 2017. He resigned when he was indicted later that summer. Yesterday he accepted a plea bargain to reduce the felony sexual battery charges down to a misdemeanor. NewsOk has that story.

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