
Monday, January 25, 2021

John Bennett Reports For OKGOP Duty - Bad Bill Hall of Shame - full sho

In this installment of 3D Politics Live..
- Former Oklahoma lawmaker, John Bennett gives his first long form media interview since declaring his candidacy for Chairman of the Oklahoma Republican Party.
- David Van Presents this week's batch of the most shameful bills filed by members of the Oklahoma legislature.
- Oklahoma's Covid epidemic is sputtering out. Last Friday was the least infected date since early last June.
- Lori Gracey joins us to report on the shameful defamations of the Broken Arrow Chamber of Commerce.
We're helping throw a viewer party at PJ's, this Friday Night. Honored guest is famed attorney Frank Urbanic.

Watch the enclosed Video here, or Listen to the Podcast, here.
Watch the entire weekly telecast live, every Monday night at 7pm, on our Facebook page. -

from 3D Politics Live