In this installment of 3D Politics,
Tom Exposes the cultural engineering plot of the Tulsa, to shame employers into assuring outcomes in greater favor of females in the workforce.|
Oldham explains the Equal Rights language in the US Constitution, and how each state has a duty to honor these rights to those citizens in other states.
Van reports on legislative agendas to heavily regulate the medical marijuana industry and run out the little 'mom & pops' businesses.
And so much more.
Watch the entire weekly telecast live, every Monday night at 7pm, on our Facebook page. -Tom Exposes the cultural engineering plot of the Tulsa, to shame employers into assuring outcomes in greater favor of females in the workforce.|
Oldham explains the Equal Rights language in the US Constitution, and how each state has a duty to honor these rights to those citizens in other states.
Van reports on legislative agendas to heavily regulate the medical marijuana industry and run out the little 'mom & pops' businesses.
And so much more.
from 3D Politics Live